Sunday, May 8, 2011

Some Skype sounds don't work in Ubuntu 10.04

At one point I had problems with the sounds in Skype on Ubuntu 10.04. Some worked, others did not. I could play them in VLC just fine, but not in Skype. Right now running Skype, these problems seem to have disappeared. Below is what I did previously to work around this problem.

Official Skype fix here
  1. "...edit or create the file ~/.pulse/client.conf and add a line containing "autospawn = no" there..."
  2. Restart (maybe log out/in works?)

This solved the Skype sound problem but created new problems:
  • Audio controls on the keyboard no longer worked
  • Volume slider in the panel no longer worked
  • System > Prefs > Sound no longer worked
I tried playing a dvd and some mp3s, and they worked just fine. Overall I didn't like this option because it took away a lot of the control I had over my sound. If you go this route, you can install gnome-alsamixer for sound settings. sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer
My workaround
  1. Don't do the fix outlined above
  2. Create bash scripts that play the desired sound using vlc or other software
  3. Go into Skype Options, Notifications, find desired sounds
  4. Disable the sound playing for each
  5. Enable the script for each example script #!/bin/bash
# Incoming call, play and quit
vlc --play-and-exit /usr/share/skype/sounds/CallRingingIn.wav example script #!/bin/bash
# Contact comes online, plays twice and quits
vlc --play-and-exit /usr/share/skype/sounds/ContactOnline.wav vlc --play-and-exit /usr/share/skype/sounds/ContactOnline.wav

Don't forget to change permissions so each script is executable $ chmod +x


  1. I fixed the problem like this:
    Got to System -> Preferences -> Sound
    I had the Sound Theme set to "No Sounds", but the Alert Volume must not be set to "mute". Don't know why, but it worked! Maybe this is working for some other people as well! Sorry for my English.
    Greetz, Christl

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