Saturday, May 7, 2011

Getting my iPod touch to work with gtkpod

After upgrading my iPod touch to iOS 4.2.1, it didn't mount at all in Ubuntu 10.04. I found help here, and got the device to mount again.

However, gtkpod still did not detect it. Ubunut's help mentioned ifuse, but this blog provided the walkthrough I needed.

I installed ifuse:
$ sudo apt-get install ifuse
Created a folder for mounting the iPod, changed permissions:
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/ipod
$ sudo chmod 777 /mnt/ipod

Mounted the iPod
$ ifuse /mnt/ipod
And it worked! gtkpod detected my iPod touch and I was off and running.

When finished, "unmount" the ifuse mount with:
$ fusermount -u /mnt/ipod

As I didn't want to have to manually run ifuse / fusermount each time I ran gtkpod, I created a script to do this for me and saved it as

# mount using ifuse
ifuse /mnt/ipod

#run gtkpod

# unmount
fusermount -u /mnt/ipod

At a command prompt, change permissions on the file so it can be executed:
$ chmod +x
Then, you can either run the script via command line by running:
$ ./
Or, create a launcher on the desktop that runs the script (my preference).

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